LANGUEDOC - Living in France
The Larzac
The Larzac, is a large and rugged plateau of a thousand square kilometers, and its rockiness and apparently limitless horizon makes it totally different from the nearby Mediterranean plain. It rises to just over 900 meters above sea level, and is a land of freezing winters and dry hot summers. It is overrun by flocks of ewes, from which, the milk is used to make the world famous Roquefort cheese. In the spring, dry heaths provide a colorful picture for the visitor. Small multi-colored flowers peek out from cracks in the rocks of the dolomitic terrain. The fragrance of wild thyme and lavender draws bees to the Larzac, and the manufacture of honey forms part of a big cottage industry. This is an area that the military wanted to take as a training ground. Started by a few locals, the demonstrations to keep this beautiful area of France grew to be a national event that has kept the Larzac for all to enjoy. Many interesting natural sites and villages can be found within its borders.
La Couvertoirade.
Is a walled village hidden away in the barren lands of the Larzac. Its towers and ramparts are almost intact. Founded by the Knights Templars in the 12th century, when the Templars order was suppressed in the 14th century.
Their property was transferred to the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, who further enlarged and strengthened the strongholds. In 1159, just after the first crusade, the Count of Barcelona, King of Aragon turned over his possessions in Larzac to Élie de Montbrun, the Temple master of Rouergue. The Templars, a religious military order, would henceforth protect these new lands, build strongholds and make them prosper. They turned out to be excellent administrators and developed agriculture and sheep raising, as can be seen from many of the "granges", the former Templar farms, that still dot the countryside.
Roquefort, a small village on the edge of the Larzac is famous for its blue cheese production. A cheese exported throughout the world. History has it, that two shepherds discovered it accidentally.
Whilst out tending their flocks they were in the habit of taking bread and cheese for their meal, and not having finished it all on one day, they left it wrapped in muslin in a cave. Some days later they were in that same area and because of hunger, decided to search for the food, only to discover that the cheese had started to turn ‘blue’.
This had been caused by mould on the bread transferring to the cheese. Hunger overcame their initial reaction not to eat the cheese and to their amazement discovered that the cheese tasted better than when it was fresh. Cheese has been made in this fashion since that time, and now bakers in the area bake giant sized loafs of bread especially to be left in the natural caves where the cheese is produced. The bread begins to mould and the natural bacilli then infects the cheese to form the now famous and well-loved cheese called Roquefort
The Cirque de Navacelles is one of the most remarkable natural sites in the Languedoc. It takes the form of a vast hole in the ground with precipitous sides like a crater. At the bottom of the hole is the village of Navacelles, some 350meters below the surface. It can be found on the edge of the Plateau of the Larzac and at the beginning of the Gorge of the River Vis. It was a center of French Resistance during the war because of its inaccessibility.
Mont Agioual
Agioual east of the Cirque du Navacelles, comes as a surprise, because of its remoteness and the scenery. The mountain top has a panoramique view of the midi, and along the coast as far as the Pyrenees, It is the second highest point in the Cevennes and here can be found the Meteorological Observatory that provides the weather reports for this part of France. During the winter months it is normal to have snow and often the staff are unable to exit for days on end. It is possible to visit the observatory and provides many interesting exhibits relating to the weather in this region. The surrounding villages resemble alpine villages. There are ski lifts for those wanting to ski and numerous restaurants.